话说,外卖小哥真的是一个藏龙卧虎的群体,网络上流传着各种关于他们的传说。 就连外媒也关注起中国这群奔波在城市里、为广大宅男宅女送温暖的人群。 曾经,《华尔街日报》将他们同奥运选手作比较: 《华尔街日报》:奥运选手和中国的外卖小哥比,算不了什么 文章说,在中国,外卖企业在价格相同、菜品相似的情况下,竞争就成为了各家“外卖小哥”速度的比拼。 来看看文章是怎样描写外卖小哥如比赛冲刺般的送餐过程的: It is lunchtime in Beijing, and Guo Ziyang is on a mission: deliver seven hot meal orders in an hour. 现在是北京的午餐时间,郭子阳行正在送餐途中:一个小时内,他要把七份热餐送到客户手上。 He sprints into a downtown high-rise lugging a plastic container of steaming hot beef noodles. There is no time to wait for the right elevator; he hops into the first one that opens, jumps out at the last stop and begins sprinting up the stairs. 他冲进市中心的一栋大楼,手里提着塑料盒,里面装的是热气腾腾的牛肉面。没有时间等对的电梯;他跳上第一个打开门的电梯,在电梯上行最后一层冲出来,开始爬楼梯。 sprint:冲刺;全速跑 high-rise:高楼 lug:吃力地拖(拉,提) After a quick handoff to the customer, he races down 20 flights. One order down, six to go. 与顾客快速交货后,他火速冲下20层楼梯。送完了一单,还有六单。 外卖小哥们除了每个用餐高峰上演“速度与激情”,他们还要应对着各式各样的奇特要求。 Then there are the special requests. For home deliveries, people sometimes ask drivers to pick up cigarettes, alcohol and other items, which the drivers aren’t supposed to do. 外卖小哥也要面对着各种特殊要求。人们有时会要求小哥们捎上香烟、酒或其他物品,连同外卖一道送到家里。而这其实不是小哥们分内的活。 One Meituan driver said a woman requested sanitary napkins with her dinner, but he was too shy to buy them. He was marked down for service. 一位美团小哥说,一个女生请他把卫生巾和晚餐一起送过来。但小哥非常害羞,没有去买,他为此还被评了差评。 然而大部分小哥还是在尽力完成着顾客的要求,这也难怪小姐姐们要对自己的男朋友发脾气了。 Young women smile and say the delivery men are better than boyfriends; unlike their male beaus, the Waimai Xiaoge always deliver. 姑娘们笑称小哥们要比男友更贴心,与男友不同的是,外卖小哥总能有求必应。 beau [bəʊ]:情人;花花公子 香港《南华早报》近日也发表了一篇文章,盘点外卖小哥收到的各种奇葩要求。 《南华早报》:“给我画个小脑斧”——顾客要求越来越离谱,中国外卖骑手展现“十八般武艺” 文章先摆出数据: In 2016, about 256 million Chinese used online food services, which by last September covered 1,300 cities, with the market estimated to be worth more than 240 billion yuan (US$37 billion). 2016年,约2.56亿中国人使用过在线订餐服务。到去年9月,在线订餐服务已覆盖1300个城市,市场规模估计超过2400亿元人民币(370亿美元)。 But some are not just using it to satisfy their food cravings. Various weird and wacky demands sent to food delivery staff have been brought to light in an article shared on social messenger app WeChat on Monday, from killing insects to drawing cartoons on delivery bags. 但一些人点外卖并不仅仅是为满足食欲。日前,一篇文章刷屏微信公众号,文章曝光了快递骑手收到的各种稀奇古怪的要求,从打虫子到在食品袋上画漫画,要求各式各样,不一而足。 wacky ['wæki]:古怪的;荒唐的 双语君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)给大家列举几个“奇葩”要求。 你说的是这个? 还是这个?【手动微笑】 也有晚上偷吃夜宵对暗号的: 据说外卖小哥还有下饭的功能? 要一个会打大虫子的小哥,在线等,挺急的。 According to the WeChat article, a woman named Mou was at home in Dalian, northeast China, at 11pm when she spotted the bug and decided the only way to get rid of it late at night was to order a takeaway. 文中提到,大连的牟女士晚上十一点发现了虫子,觉得半夜杀虫的唯一办法就是叫一份外卖。 “It wasn’t important what we ate; the point was that the delivery boy could kill insects,” she was quoted as saying. “吃啥不重要,关键是快递小哥要会打虫”,她这样说道。 超级热心的小哥还是接下了这个任务,不知最后虫子的命运如何。 Others involved helping to deliver a gesture. “I am her boyfriend. We had an argument and she won’t eat. Please help me to send this to her, thank you,” a receipt read. 其它要求还包括请小哥传情达意:“我是她男朋友,我们俩刚吵了一架,她不吃饭。请帮我把这份外卖给她,谢谢。”一张小票上如是写到。 On it, the delivery driver had written “forgive him!” alongside a smiley face. 在上面,外卖小哥写到:“原谅他吧!”旁边是一个笑脸。 《洛杉矶时报》:送饺子的外卖骑手,讲述自己的故事 《洛杉矶时报》也关注了外卖小哥的“多重身份”,并将他们称为“当代的邮递员”(modern-day mailmen)。 These modern-day mailmen — and they're usually men — pick up prescriptions, flowers, laundry, coffee and groceries, and carry someone's desires through congested city streets. 这些当代邮递员——他们通常是男性——取药、送花、取待洗衣物、送咖啡和各种杂货,载着别人的愿望驶过城市拥堵的街道。 外卖骑手何志刚接受了《洛杉矶时报》的采访,他表示自己为送餐员的身份而自豪。 Every day, he covers northwest Beijing's tech hub, his red uniform zipping past Internet start-ups and high-rise apartments on a customized Du Shi Feng scooter. 何志刚每天都跑遍北京西北部的科技园区。他穿着红色制服,骑着公司定制的都市风电动车,穿梭于互联网初创公司和高层公寓之间。 scooter:轻便摩托车 He counts about 30 customers in his daily dance between canteen and office, restaurant and residence. He knows the shop that reeks of black vinegar and the apartment building with the yappy dog. 他每日往返于餐厅、办公室,饭馆、居民区当中,一天大约接到30个客户订单。哪家饭店散发着刺鼻的醋味、哪栋公寓楼有汪汪叫的狗,何志刚都清清楚楚。 reek:散发臭气;充满强烈的气味 他每天的工作时间从早上九点半持续到晚上九点,下午有三个小时的休息时间。 骑手的起薪约为每月520美元(约合3330元人民币),但实际收入可达两倍以上,速度快,服务好可以获得相应的奖励。 Since starting the job a year ago, "I've become more chatty," he said, before drifting into silence. 自从做送餐员一年以来,“我变得更健谈了,”何志刚说道,但不久又陷入了沉默。 工作辛苦、压力大,还要扮演“邮递员”的角色......这些都没有让何志刚对自己的工作丧失热情。谈到自己印象深刻的事,不善言辞的他提到了一个暖心的故事。 The young driver remembers the day the rain turned the streets to rivers and he couldn't make any of his deliveries on time. A woman opened the door and handed him a towel. He doesn't usually tell stories; this one he repeated twice. 这位年轻的外卖小哥还记得,有一天下大雨,街道变成了河流,他没法准时送达所有订单。然而有一位女士打开了门,递给他一条毛巾。他不常讲故事,但这个故事他说了两次。 采访结束,何志刚也重新回到了日常工作当中。 There was pride in his voice when he told the waiters: "I'm the deliveryman." “我是送餐员”,何志刚对餐厅服务员说道,声音里透着骄傲。