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推荐人J·米卡尔·戴维斯(J MikalDavis):这本书写的是20世纪80年代的一群足球流氓,大部分来自曼联。一个美国人走进了这个亚文化群,尝试去弄明白这群家伙的所思所想——有点像亨特·S·汤普森(HunterS Thompson)融入摩托车飞车党“地狱天使”(HellsAngels)。这些人很难对付,但是他成功融入到他们的世界,成为其中的一员。我有时候会坐过站,因为看得太投入了。有时候到站下地铁后,我会坐在旁边的长凳上读完一整章内容再走。

WataMote by Nico Tanigawa


Jim Zarroli: It’s a very academic book about the convict-laboursystem in the south after the Civil War. Rather than being sent toprison, convicts were leased out to businesses, to mines, even tofactories for very low amounts of money and they had to do forcedlabour for years, often as punishment for very mild crimes. Andthat’s something that continued in the South for years until it wasreplaced by the chain-gang system in 1908. People would beincarcerated for 10 years for crimes like stealing a pair ofglobes. Many of the prisoners were African-Americans, freed slaves,and this was almost like a way of re-enslaving them.

Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut

Twice the Work of Free Labor by Alex Lichtenstein

A Cook’s Tour by Anthony Bourdain

Yabo by Alexis De

6. 《丧女》 作者:尼可·谷川

Just Kids by Patti Smith

8. 《厨师之旅》 作者:安东尼·伯尔顿

J Mikal Davis: It’s about football hooligans, mostly Man United,in the 1980s. It’s an American immersing himself in this subcultureand just trying to figure out what these guys are thinking –kind oflike Hunter S Thompson going into the Hells Angels. It could gethairy very quickly, but he’s made himself part of these guys andtheir world. I sometimes miss my stop because I get so into mybooks. I’ll sometimes get off at my stop and then sit on a bench tofinish a chapter before moving on.

1. 《无比美妙的痛苦》(影片《星运里的错》原着小说) 作者:约翰·格林

Jacqueline Libato: It’s a Japanese Manga series that translatesas No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m NotPopular. I identify a lot with the character’s struggles in highschool – so many people think that high school will be the pinnacleof their social life, but she’s disappointed because she doesn’treally fit in at all – she loves to spend her time playing animevideo games – and she’s desperately trying to make friends. It’stoo bad this series takes so long to be translated intoEnglish!

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

9. 《亚伯》 作者:亚历克西斯·德沃

Djenne Grant: My best friend said she loved the book and I’m nowreading it for school. I just started and have to finish it in twoweeks. I really like it so far. No one bothers you [when you’rereading on the subway], you can go inside a different world. [Onthe subway, I’ve noticed] we’re moving away from vampire storiesand now we’re reading more novels based in real life.

4. 《同恶棍在一起》 作者:比尔·比福德

5. 《双倍的自由劳动》 作者:亚历克斯·利希滕斯坦

Among the Thugs by Bill Buford


7. 《欢迎来到猴子屋》 作者:库尔特·冯内古特

Christopher Li: It’s a book that was recently made into a movie,and it’s about a couple of cancer patients who fall in love. I’mreading toward the end of the book now and a lot of sad things arehappening. I like it a lot. During college I read more challengingliterature and philosophy, but now I tend to read books that are alittle more straightforward and easy to follow emotionally. I think[The Fault in Our Stars is] pretty well written and has a goodamount of depth to it without being too challenging for me.

推荐人吉姆·扎罗利(Jim Zarroli):这是一本关于内战后美国南方劳改制度(convict-laboursystem)的学术着作。囚犯们没有送进监狱,而是被租给店铺、矿井、甚至是工厂。他们的酬劳少得可怜,却要被迫当好多年的劳力,就如同罪行轻微的犯人接受的惩罚。这一制度在南方持续了数十年,直到1908年才被带镣制度(chain-gangsystem)所取代。偷一副手套,就会被监禁10年之久。许多犯人是非裔美国人和被释放的奴隶,这就好比变相的再次奴役。

3. 《快闪小子》 作者:迈克尔·刘易斯

2. 《只是孩子》 作者:帕蒂·史密斯

Nicole Stutz: Anthony Bourdain travels to all kinds of countrieslooking for the perfect meal, usually Third World countries, wherehe tries home-cooked meals, family meals. I love traveling and Ireally enjoy food, and he does dig deep and find what is theperfect meal – it could be a small cafe you like or a Michelinthree-star-rated restaurant. And some of the best times he had wasjust with whiskey, a pack of cigarettes and a home-cooked meal witha bunch of friends in Cambodia. He has a great outlook on life andI have a crush on him now.


Jessica O’Keeffe: It’s a short story collection. I just startedit, but I’m a big Vonnegut fan. I prefer novels to short stories,but I’ve read all of Vonnegut’s novels so now I’m starting in onhis short stories.


Everdeen Mason: The book is about the stock market – I think theauthor has done a couple books about that – and it’s particularlyabout a young guy who works for a Canadian trading firm, and hediscovers the world of high frequency trading and how that allowstraders to prey on innocents. Right now he’s trying to rally andget people to start their own stock market to stop this fromhappening. I like how it’s written. Lewis takes something thatcould be a dry subject and makes it really punchy, and he describesthe characters in really fun ways.



推荐人杰奎琳·利巴托(JacquelineLibato):这是一部日本连环漫画,翻译成英语是《我不受欢迎,怎么想都是你们的错》(No Matter How I Look atIt, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m NotPopular)。对于女主角在高中生活里遇到的困难,我深有感触。许多人认为高中将是他们社交生活的小高峰,但是她很失望,因为她发现自己根本无法适应。她喜欢把时间花在动漫游戏上,她竭尽所能尝试着交朋友。可惜这部漫画的英文版的总要等很久才能译完!

Flash Boys by Michael Lewis

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