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BRICS ministers of foreign affairs pose for a group photo during their meeting in Beijing, capital of China, June 19, 2017. (Xinhua/Yan Yan) |
At a news conference for the meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi introduced the concept of "BRICS plus".
He said, BRICS plus refers to BRICS further enhancing its connections, interaction, dialogue and cooperation with other developing countries and emerging market economies, in order to better reflect the common ground and collective will of the developing countries through BRICS cooperation.
王毅指出,金砖合作要做新兴市场国家以及发展中国家团结合作的“助推器”(a propeller for unity and cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries)。金砖国家不仅属于五国,更属于所有的新兴市场国家和发展中国家。我们将继续秉持开放、包容、合作、共赢的金砖精神(the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win),倡导不同制度文化相互包容、不同发展模式互利共赢的合作模式,不断扩展金砖合作的“朋友圈”(expand our circle of friends through BRICS cooperation)和受益范围,维护和增进广大发展中国家的整体利益和福祉(enhance the overall interests and well-being of developing countries)。
王毅指出,金砖国家已经建立了全方位、多领域的对话合作机制(all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level dialogue and cooperation framework),以年度领导人会晤为引领,包括安全代表、外长等十多个部长级会晤,以及工商理事会、智库理事会、反恐工作组、网络工作组等,还在开拓立法机构之间的交流合作。
王毅说,今年是金砖国家合作发展进程中的重要一年。作为主席国(the BRICS rotating presidency),中国愿肩负起开启金砖国家合作第二个十年的重要使命,与其他四国一道,在协商一致的基础上继续筑牢和充实政治安全、经济金融、人文交流三大合作支柱(three cooperation pillars of political security, economy and finance, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges),积极拓展更多新兴领域的合作(expand cooperation in more emerging areas),同时拓展“金砖+”的对话合作模式,构建广泛伙伴关系,让金砖国家合作这棵大树更加枝繁叶茂,结出更多丰硕的果实。
BASIC countries 基础四国,即巴西(Brazil)、南非(South Africa)、印度(India)、中国(China)
global economic governance 全球经济治理
practical cooperation 务实合作
common development 共同发展
extensive partnerships 广泛的伙伴关系
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)